
Q. Do I need a doctor's referral to have my child seen by Ready, Set, Talk?

A. No you do not. A referral can be self-made.

Q. How do I know if my child may be experiencing a speech and language delay or disorder?

A. Parents are encouraged to use the Speech and Language Checklist provided to determine if their child may benefit from services. A phone consultation is also recommended if you have any further concerns.

Q. We speak two or more languages in our home. Will our child have speech and language problems?

A. No. If a child displays a speech and language delay or disorder, he/she will display difficulties in all languages. If your child is delayed in your home language, a referral is recommended. It is important to remember that teaching children multiple languages from an early age has been proven to be highly beneficial.

Q. My child recently began stuttering. Should I be concerned?

A. Many children go through a phase of "Normal Dysfluency". It is common for children to repeat words and phrases as their language begins to grow. However, it you notice that the stuttering is frequent and lasts for more than a few months, a referral is recommended.

Q. Why should I get my child's hearing tested?

A. Hearing problems can have a significant impact on the development of your child's communication development. What your child hears, effects what they say.

Q. Will my child catch up without intervention?

A. Some children do catch up independently, however most do not. It is important to investigate whether your child is on the right track to catching up or whether they may need therapy.

Q. Can we wait for the school to deal with the speech and language delay?

A. No. Early identification and intervention will help your child prepare for school. It is important that speech and language delays be identified early.